The Academic Designer

The Academic Designer

The Academic Designer helps professors communicate their research online by creating an online presence with a Googleable set of pages or profiles so that people can file the work they do.



I-STARRT is a New Orleans-based organization using ‘Data Science’, or the study of large and complex data, to provide evidence-based strategies to alleviate some of the world’s most persistent problems such as poverty, hunger and violence, in the United States and in Africa.

Rooted School New Orleans

Rooted School New Orleans

Rooted School exists to provide their students with personal pathways to financial freedom. Some students will arrive at financial freedom with a college next to their name, others without. Rooted School provides students with the options to get there and teaches students how to learn in an ever-changing world, develop their skills in the most in-demand job sectors and create technology that is transformational. All students graduate with a job offer in one hand and a college acceptance letter in the other.